Creating a l33t Counter Strike Spray - Photoshop
May 27, 2007
This tutorial is designed in showing you how to create an l33t counter strike source spray using photoshop. But it can be applied to create any FPS spray.
For this Tutorial you will need:
- Photoshop or Extended
- Kremlin Font (In Download)
- Counter Strike Source Font (In Download)
- Vector Brush (In Download)
- Time
- Artistic Flare
1) The first step is to open Photoshop and create a 256 x 256 sized image. This is the optimum size which is supported by the source engine. Click to Enlarge.

3) The next step is to create a new thin box around the edge, use the Select > Inverse tool to create a thin box around the edge. Apply this to a new layer and fill it black.

7) As well as this you need the Counter Strike Source Font, it is available with Kremlin in the download pack here.

8) After this add some text to the spray. Use Kremlin for your name and the CSS spray as your weapon of choice. As I like using the P90 I have opted to show that weapon, which is key "M". Use text edit or similar to find the weapon of choice.

9) Finally flatten and save out the image and import into Counter Strike Source.

Some spray examples.

You can download all the source files for this project here.
hi i am impressed by ur CS:S spray and can i request u to host the kremlim font, counter strike source fonts and vector brush at a free host site instead of rapidshare? alternatively, i will appreciate if u
could send them directly to cuz i really like that tutorial of urs and want to try it out. thank you in advance
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